Adult Braces Brooklyn

When thinking about braces, you likely think about them as just being for kids, but that’s simply not the case. Adults can get adult braces. If you are thinking about getting adult braces in Brooklyn,  here is some information you need to know.

Types of Adult Braces in Brooklyn

Braces are no longer just metal. Many more options exist today than ever before so you can get the braces that work best for you.

1. Traditional Metal Braces

Conventional metal braces consist of a metal bracket cemented on the front of each tooth connected by wires with bands in the back that act as anchors. While traditionally metal, conventional braces don’t have to be metal anymore since modern technology has advanced enough to make way for clear or tooth-colored braces to make them less noticeable. However, conventional braces are still more visible than other types, but shorten treatment time

2. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic BracesCeramic braces are made of ceramic instead of metal and act as conventional braces. They are clear or tooth-colored, with all wires and bands matching as well. While ceramic braces provide more discretion, treatment time is the same as metal braces. One pro of choosing ceramic braces is that they are more comfortable. One con is that the brackets are bigger on each tooth.

3. Lingual Braces

Although a more expensive option, ligual braces provide an invisible option to patients. This type of adult braces cements to the back of your teeth instead of the front. Just like the other two options, the treatment time is the same.

4. Clear Aligners

Clear AlignersAn increasingly popular option among dental patients is aligners such as Invisalign, which involves placing a clear tray in the mouth for up to 22 hours every day. The trays must be replaced with a new one every couple of weeks to gradually shift your teeth into proper alignment. The main downside is that length of treatment is longer if patients fail to use them every day or forget to switch them out for the new one.

How Do Braces Work?

Braces are devices that an orthodontist uses to correct the misalignment of teeth or the jawbone and other issues such as crowding. Kids and teens are usually the ones getting braces since treating dental issues earlier are better, but many adults are getting braces as well. Braces gradually shift teeth into the correct position by exerting persistent pressure on them over time. Wires connect to brackets that attach to each tooth with bands that anchor the wires from the back. Every type of braces is noticeable to others, but some, like aligners and lingual braces, are less so.
Installation only takes one to two hours and isn’t painful, although there will be soreness the first week afterward.
Visit your dentist to discuss adult braces options and which type is best for you. Halabi Orthodontics services the Brooklyn area and can assist you.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Adult Braces in Brooklyn?

Depending on how your teeth respond to the braces, you may have to wear them for one to three years. This is a long period of time that requires dedication on the part of the patient to get the most effectiveness from their braces. That means scheduling and showing up to follow-up appointments to make sure your braces are working properly. It also means avoiding certain foods such as popcorn that can interfere with them. Patients who choose conventional braces that literally attach to the teeth will typically experience a shorter treatment time. Those who choose aligners, however, could suffer setbacks that extend treatment time.
There are also options that can speed up the process. Your dentist could use Propel, which can cut treatment time significantly by up to half. It requires the dentist to insert a thin probe through the gum and into the bone to stimulate the healing process so teeth will shift more quickly. AcceleDent is another treatment option in which a tray placed over the braces sends vibrations or pulses to the teeth for 20 minutes every day, also cutting the time patients need to wear their braces by up to half. Both options can work for braces and aligners, but they will increase the cost of your treatment.

How Much Do Adult Braces Cost?

The cost of braces varies from patient to patient depending on several factors.

  • The type of braces is the biggest factor. Conventional braces can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $6,000 while Invisalign can cost from $3,000 to $8,000.
  • Other factors include your overall health and the condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone, all of which influence what type of braces are best for you.

Invisalign vs Braces Cost in Brooklyn

Invisalign and conventional braces are both effective at correcting dental issues. Both have pros and cons to consider. Conventional braces are cemented to the teeth while Invisalign is just a tray the patient must place over their teeth every day while making sure they switch out for a new tray every two weeks. Both types provide the same treatment, just in different ways. But both are just as costly.

While Invisalign can be cheaper, it really depends on what kind of treatment you need that will determine the final cost. Invisalign can cost as low as $3,000 and as high as $8,000. Conventional braces are more consistently priced at $5,000 to $6,000.

Which is best for you?

Only your dentist can help you decide which type of braces is best for you. Adult braces are generally not covered by insurance, so the treatment will be paid for out of pocket. Dental offices do offer payment plans. How healthy you are, how dedicated you are to your treatment, and your financial situation will all be factors in what type you choose.

Adult Braces in Brooklyn

If you have an interest in getting adult braces, Halabi Orthodontics is ready to help. Call our office at 718-676-5000 or visit our website to make an appointment with us today. Dr. Eli Halabi and the Halabi Orthodontics team proudly serve Brooklyn, New York, and the surrounding areas.  We look forward to seeing you and helping you take the first step to improving your smile.